Monday, January 06, 2003

I'm leaving for grad school in less than a week. The past few months have been such a roller coaster, that I can hardly believe that I'm going to be doing something that will actually make me happy. Sure, it's a huge risk, and I'm scared out of my mind. I'm not sure how I'll survive without Mama, Daddy, the pets & the rest of my life support, but I'll do it somehow. I've started to imagine myself hanging out with friends I've yet to meet...going to dinner with boys I haven't heard speak. It's rather exciting. Then, I hit the real world screaming, as I realize that I have no money, and I'm about to enter a place I've never been. I'm packing up and moving somewhere I've never even visited. Exciting - yes. Frightening - YES! I've annoyed so many people over the past few months (but hey, it's hard to be pleasant when one is pretty much hating the world and wondering how the heck she ended up where she is...), and they have been really patient! I hope that I'll be able to repay them someday...perhaps an article in the NY Times speaking of the profound impact of my loved ones on my life...or perhaps an article that has a little less to do with, uh, me...maybe something just talking about how wonderful these people are on a daily basis. I like that.

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