Monday, August 19, 2002

yikes - almost forgot to update today! Okay, well, I got to have lunch with my best berkeley friend, Jessica! Yeahhhhh dim-sum! It was quite yummy, and I love just hanging out and chatting w/Jessica. She knows about all - or most - of my baggage, and we can just catch up without the other really judging us. It's a relationship that works. She does try to give me advice here and there (my favorite is her telling me that I can't date a guy w/piercings or tattoos - I don't even know any guys like, who I date isn't really up to her, but I appreciate her concern, just the same), and I listen and give her advice, then we both go on with our lives. Sometimes we take the advice, but if we don't, it's okay!

After the 2 hour drive back from Berkeley (dang Bay Area traffic), I got to play WITH A BABY! It's the best thing! Little baby Alex smells just like a baby, and he's a total guy already! He's gonna be a lady killer that one - he's got these piercing blue eyes and a really unique, adorable face, not just "baby face" (you know, the little face that so many babies seem to have), plus he knows how to melt a girl's heart, and he touches boobies - haha, he got to second with me, and he's only 6 months old, j/k. Anyway, it was a pleasure to play with a baby. This kid doesn't really cry, he just sort of whines. Then, whoever is around (his grandma, one of my mom's best friends, in this case) figures out what he wants and gives it to him. He got played with, changed, fed and burped. He was a happy kid. I played with him and made him laugh - that made me smile! In any case, I'm looking forward to when I can try to have a child of my own and to when my friends start having kids, even if that doesn't happen for a few years.

Speaking of babies and guys and whatnot, does anyone know how to get me on Meet My Folks? I wanna be the girl who has the three guys for her parents to choose from...

Alright, I'm supposed to be doing grad school research...better get to it!

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