Wednesday, December 04, 2002

Helen Fielding talks about "smug marrieds" in Bridget Jones's Diary, and I have to say that for the most part, the representation seems to ring true. Also, for we younger, and as yet unmarried folk, there are the "smug couples." These couples have been together for anywhere from two months to three years (or more...just not married and still pretty young, like under 25), and they are completely confident in their relationships, at least outwardly. You can't even say to them, well, if you get married...,because they'll just say, "No, when I marry Billy-Bob" (or whatever his name happens to be...). Also, they are so sure of themselves that they have forgotten (if they ever knew) what it's like to be unsure of something. I've never been in a relationship long enough to feel confident saying that we'll be getting together on the weekend, let alone planning a holiday getaway two months in advance. Still be together in two months? I can't say that! I'll jinx it! Let's try, still together in two days...then two weeks...and so on and so on. I don't mind the smug couples all that much, but I do mind being one of their projects. I have seriously been told, "I've been worrying about this, but I just don't know what to do with you." Do with me? Well, as much as it may seem otherwise, I've settled into my little boyfriend-less life until one comes along, and I'm not stressing it. While I appreciate the concern, and while I understand that it would be a lot easier to socialize with my couple friends if I was, myself, part of a couple, but don't fret. If it happens, it happens. irks me that the smug couples are just oh-so-cocky about the security of their relationships.

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